Diary Dates

Tuesday 23rd July 2024               

Last day of summer term


2nd – 3rd School closed – Staff Training days

Wed 4th First day of Autumn Term. Children return to school

Fri 6th          Class 2 Parent meeting 3.30pm
Fri 27th          Phonics Workshop starting at 9am 

Parents Meeting with Class Teachers 3.30pm to be confirmed by class teachers. 


Tues 1st         Class 2 School trip to Oaklands Museum

Mon 21st Harvest Church Services 9.30-10.30 

Thus 24th Open door 3pm

Mon 28th – 1st Nov School closed Half term 

Mon 4th Nov  School closed – Staff Training day


Mon 4th        School Closed- Staff Training day

Thurs 7th Learning conferences 3.30pm – 6pm

Mon 4th New starters application window opens

Fri 15th Charity Day – Non uniform day

Sat 30th         Open Morning 10am-12pm


Fri 6th            Christingle event 2pm Church. 

Mon 9th Class 1 and 2 Nativity 2.30pm, school hall 

Date TBC     Christmas dinner and Christmas jumper day 

Wed 11th Class 1 and 2 Nativity 2.30pm, school hall
Monday 16th  Christmas Church Service 9.30-1.30

Friday 13th     Christmas Bazaar at School 3.30pm-5.30pm

Date TBC        Class 1 Twilight Session

23rd – 3rd School closed - Christmas break 


Mon 6th First day of spring term

Mon 15th National deadline for school applications for year R


Tues 4th       Class and Individual photos

Thurs 13th Open door 3pm

Wed 26th       Class 2 School trip to Pizza Express 

17th – 21st School Closed Half Term

Mon 24th       School Closed- Staff Training day

MARCH 2025

Thurs 13th Learning conferences 3.30pm - 6pm

Fri 14th Charity Day (Details TBC)

Mon 31st   Easter Church Service (TBC)

APRIL 2025

Fri 4th                     Class 2 sleepover (Venue TBC)

Tues 22nd           First day of summer term

                                 Primary School place offer day

7th - 21st         School Closed - Easter Break

Swimming             (Class 2 starting in April Date to be confirmed for 6 weeks)

MAY 2025

Mon 5th                 School Closed - Bank holiday

Mon 12th – 15th Yr6 SATs week

Thurs 22nd           Open Door 3pm

26th – 30th         School Closed - Half Term

JUNE 2025
Mon 2nd         School Closed- Staff Training day

Mon 9th-13th Phonics Screening Assessment for Year 1s

Tues 10th        Reception Induction New starter sessions 9-11am

Wed 18th         Reception Induction New Starter sessions 9-11am

Thurs 26th        Reception Induction New Starter sessions 9-11am

JULY 2025

Tues 1st       Sports Day and Family Picnic 

Tues 8th       Sports Day and Family Picnic (alternative date in case of bad weather)

Tues 8th  Class 3 Summer Concert (TBC)

Wed 9th Class 3 Summer Concert (TBC)

Wed 16th       Class 2 School trip to Aerozone

Mon 21st        Finchingfield Fest 

Tues 22nd  Yr6 Leavers’ assembly and Church Service TBC

Tues 22nd  Last day of summer term